Chicagoverse 267 - Chicago Independent Venue League (CIVL) Panelcast

Chicago's live music community is represented in a special Dynasty Panelcasts roundtable live stream.

Representatives from the Chicago Independent Venue League (CIVL) speak about the present and future of Chicago's music venues in the age of COVID-19, and why the city's live music rooms are community epicenters and economic engines.

The venue owners also share steps that music fans can take to help support Chicago's live venues, which can be found at and

Featuring: Dane Roth (Shure), Joe Shanahan (Metro, Smart Bar, Gman Tavern), Robert Gomez (Subterranean, Beat Kitchen), Tim Tuten (The Hideout), Chris Bauman (Patio Theater, Avondale Music Hall), Katie Tuten (Hideout, Co-Founder + Co-Chair of CIVL, Founder + member of Niva)!

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